Affordable Housing Incentives (2024)
Opens Jun 5 2024 12:00 AM (CST)
Deadline Jul 5 2024 11:59 PM (CST)

Application Deadline: Friday, July 5, 2024 at 11:59 PM (Saskatchewan Time)

Applying the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) funding, the City of Saskatoon (City) is prioritizing support for new affordable rental units through Council Policy C09-002 Innovative Housing Incentives Policy (Policy). Certain exemptions to the Policy have been approved for HAF funded projects to allow for increased flexibility on timing, criteria and the incentive amounts. This flexibility serves to enhance the City's contributions and further incentivize the construction of new affordable rental units.

Funding may be allocated to eligible projects for the construction of new affordable rental units through capital grants of up to $27,000 per unit and a five-year incremental tax abatement subject to City Council approval. Priority will be given to registered non-profits, housing co-operatives, Indigenous organizations and/or governments, and First Nations.

The City is also offering a Building & Development Permit fee rebate up to $1,500 per unit for eligible units. Applicants are eligible upon issuance of the final building permit for their project and Administration will reach out to eligible applicants about this rebate.

Projects that have obtained a building permit prior to December 27, 2023 are not eligible for the Affordable Housing Incentives. All approved projects must be able to obtain a final building permit prior to December 27, 2026.

Questions can be directed to 


Sarah King - Senior Planner (Housing Lead)


Disclaimer: HAF funded incentives are dependent on the availability of HAF funding.


Affordable Housing Incentives (2024)

Application Deadline: Friday, July 5, 2024 at 11:59 PM (Saskatchewan Time)

Applying the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) funding, the City of Saskatoon (City) is prioritizing support for new affordable rental units through Council Policy C09-002 Innovative Housing Incentives Policy (Policy). Certain exemptions to the Policy have been approved for HAF funded projects to allow for increased flexibility on timing, criteria and the incentive amounts. This flexibility serves to enhance the City's contributions and further incentivize the construction of new affordable rental units.

Funding may be allocated to eligible projects for the construction of new affordable rental units through capital grants of up to $27,000 per unit and a five-year incremental tax abatement subject to City Council approval. Priority will be given to registered non-profits, housing co-operatives, Indigenous organizations and/or governments, and First Nations.

The City is also offering a Building & Development Permit fee rebate up to $1,500 per unit for eligible units. Applicants are eligible upon issuance of the final building permit for their project and Administration will reach out to eligible applicants about this rebate.

Projects that have obtained a building permit prior to December 27, 2023 are not eligible for the Affordable Housing Incentives. All approved projects must be able to obtain a final building permit prior to December 27, 2026.

Questions can be directed to 


Sarah King - Senior Planner (Housing Lead)


Disclaimer: HAF funded incentives are dependent on the availability of HAF funding.

Jun 5 2024 12:00 AM (CST)
Jul 5 2024 11:59 PM (CST)